Congratulations on starting such a thoughtful page.. a place where we can share our thoughts and heartbreak and reach out to people that care.
Welcome to Māmmaste, healing pregnancy loss.
Miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, neonatal loss, childless life.
Hello and Welcome.
I’m Nathalie BelleLarant. I am a certified transformation coach, author, shamanic earth mother, soul midwife, intuitive healer,
And I help beautiful souls just like you catalyse life’s trauma into Epic Power + Passion + Purpose.
As a mother, I know how it feels. As a coach I know how to help you heal.
I really do get you.
How to get on the Māmmaste sisterhood email list?
The Māmmaste Story
In 2018 I founded Māmmaste (a twist on the salute Namaste) to honour the Divine in my three lost babies, as well as yours. Māmmaste embodies “my Child, the Divine in me bows to the Divine in You.”
Thank you for sharing part of your story with me and breaking your silence about your pregnancy loss. My goal is for you to find the support and comfort you need at this point in time in your journey.
Māmmaste sings: “My Child, the Divine in me bows to the Divine in you.” It embodies our deepest love and gratitude towards the precious soul that shared our lives for a brief moment. It ignites the divine light that helps us heal, in search for meaning, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and peace.
As I launched #IamAMammaste movement in October 2018, my vision is two-fold.
- First of all I want to break the silence and raise awareness about pregnancy loss. I am devastated about the fact that #1in4women experience pregnancy loss! Such a horrifying statistic, isn’t it? One in four! It affects so many of us, even more so today with the decline of fertility, as more and more pregnancies do not reach full term.
- And most importantly I want to empower other mammas so we can feel pride, joy and gratefulness when we think about our babies, so we can let go of guilt, of pain and sorrow. It’s a terrible place to be, you know how it feels, right?
This is why I am committed to empower other women catalyse life’s trauma into epic power, passion and purpose!
Together we can ease your pain, so you can reconnect with life and welcome a brighter future.
It is my belief that when we chose to break the silence of our pregnancy loss and share our stories, even if we only share within ourselves, we start to open up to the opportunities of learning and growth. We enable our children to teach us what it is which they came to us for. When we start to listen, they too can have a voice and we can hear their message…
I look forward to connecting with you soon my beautiful.
As a mother, I know how it feels. As a transformation coach, I know how to help you heal.
Come and join me. I will see you on the other side.
I believe their little souls chose us at a moment in time, filled with nothing but love, so they could empower our lives in some magical ways. They have done their part, it is now up to us to honour their sacrifice and seek the learnings..